Sunday, January 28, 2007

First Massage Jitters?

It's not unusual for a person to be a little anxious about his or her first massage. I know I was. That's the main reason that I didn't call for an appointment until the gift certificate was about to expire.

As a massage therapist, I know the best way to put a potential client's mind at ease is through anticipatory guidance (i.e., letting the person know what to expect beforehand and encouraging any and all questions). The following is from my practice brochure. I hope you find it useful. If you have questions that aren't addressed here, please let me know and I'll answer them individually or in a future blog. It would be my pleasure.

What to Expect ...

You will be asked to complete a confidential health history form and answer some standard questions about your health, medication usage, etc. This is important because some medical conditions require modifications in massage technique. It also insures that the massage will be designed to best meet your needs.

Depending on the massage style and the areas of the body to be addressed, you may or may not need to disrobe. For a full body massage, most people undress completely but some choose not to remove their underpants. You will be given privacy to undress, and you will be draped with a sheet except for the area that is being massaged. (In my practice) Esalen massage is the exception to this rule: More than one area of the body may be undraped at one time or an abbreviated draping method may be used.

During the massage itself, relax and enjoy. It feels wonderful. And it's good for you!

To your health,


Massage is the new health treatment in town. Athletes use it. Doctors prescribe it. Lawyers, social workers, artists, computer programmers, stock analysts, plumbers, and your neighbors all benefit from it.

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